
Coronavirus Outbreak: India’s Lesson In Preparing The Health System From China


  • India’s public health expenditure is 1.2% of GDP; It is 3% in china
  • Unlike growth in China, investment in health human resources is decreasing in some states in India
  • Feeling the pressure on hospitals, China is systematically working on encouraging patient care
  • India needs to prepare more fully instead of canceling some earlier plans.

Do We Need Tragedies To Learn And To Correct Ourselves?

Disappointingly yes. At least, it seems from the China story. Healthcare experts, who have closely observed China and India, tell us that China, which was the epicenter of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS in quick speak) in 2002, has been investing in its healthcare ever since. So today, despite the challenges of the patient, the congested and dilapidated hospital is being seen as a country which has moved faster than before, healthcare and human resources to overcome the shortage of doctors Investing more in, with yourself a better health monitoring system and better hold on healthcare preparations. There is a lot to be learned from this for India.

Readiness Holds The Key

This is all the more important as we are moving towards the end of the lockdown and the coronavirus caseload still maintains a growing trend on India’s health system and infrastructure preparedness to handle the challenges emerging in the coming day’s May raise some concerns. According to World Bank data, consider some points raised by fellow Madhurima Nandy at the Institute of Chinese Studies in Delhi: India’s public expenditure on health is 1.2 percent, while for China it is at 3 percent of GDP. Speaking in a webinar on Wednesday, titled ‘Epidemiology: Health Preparation in China and India’, organized by the Institute of Chinese Studies, she also says, “India has seen a decrease in investment in healthcare-related human resources But increases in sugar. “

This point, as experts often remind, needs to be read along with the fact that it is not the same in the states of India. Some people like Kerala, Himachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Sikkim, and Puducherry spend more on health, according to some studies, the national average is around Rs 1,765 per person. Prosperous states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and even Maharashtra and others are among the lowest spenders on health by the state.

But then, Ram Babu, an honorary fellow at the institute and a professor at the Center of Social Medicine and Community Health at Jawaharlal Nehru University, later explains: “The decrease in healthcare human resource cadre in India is not of recent development. The 1990s Since the beginning of the decade. In some states of India, many roles, such as health inspector, female health visitor, male multipurpose worker, block teacher – the number of these posts, which were all parts of the primary health team, are constantly being closed in some states. Who has not been newly recruited? “They were all involved in community-level identification and early treatment. All these responsibilities are now left to an ASHA worker who is not really part of the public health care. Nandi Explains that Indian community health services today depend on ASHA workers for community-level monitoring.

Beyond Repackaging

China in turn, which has to face congested hospitals, is working to encourage patient care through its insurance program and to ensure that it is given more at the community level (which is Indian primary health Is equal to the center level). Furthermore, “there has been an increase in investment in the health sector as a post-pandemic measure in China, whereas in India it has not increased much”. Whatever is linking with the concern suggests that Indian measures are a reiteration of earlier plans. Take for example the point that experts point to us: Wasn’t the health and welfare centers ramping a part of the Ayushman Bharat scheme? And wasn’t the move to launch the National Digital Mission part of NITI Aayog’s National Digital Health Blueprint for 2019?

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