My HR Insights

Congratulatory email on the first-year completion on company

First anniversary Email By HR

Congratulatory Email for completion of 1 year in an Organisation

If an employee successfully completes a year in the organization, it should be acknowledged by the company. And who is a better person to do this than the HR professional?

While drafting such an email, you may include the following:
● Congratulate the individual on completing a year with the company.
● Mention that the organization is happy to be associated with them.
● State one or more positive things about the work they have done.


Subject: First anniversary

Dear [employee name],


We would like to take a moment to recognize and thank you for your contributions to the organization over the past year. We are indeed happy to have you with us. In particular, we would like to acknowledge your performance in content development, given the volume of illustrated blog posts you have produced for the company. Our new site has attracted hundreds of visitors and has taken our online presence to a whole new level.

We would like to wish you all the best for your future with us. Keep up the good work!

Warm regards,
[Company name]

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