My HR Insights

Probation extension email

Probation Extension E-mail Template For HR Professional

Probation Extension E-mail Template For HR Professional

New recruits are usually hired for a specific period of probation, which can be extended at the discretion of the company. At the end of an extended probationary period, a new recruit is either confirmed as a permanent employee or his/her employment is rejected. When the probationary period is being extended, it is imperative for an HR professional to send a formal extension email.
While writing this, this person should make specific reference to the employee’s work during the probationary period.
In this email:
● State the period of probation completed.
● Mention the reason for, and length of, the extension.
● State the next course of action after completion of the extension.
● State what the organization is expecting of the individual.


Subject: Extension of probation

Dear [name],

As you know, your probationary employment was for a period of three months, ending on [date]. The company has continuously monitored and assessed your performance during this period and ultimately found it to be less than satisfactory.

However, I am happy to say that in consideration of your zeal for constant learning, we are willing to extend your probation by three months to give you a further chance to prove yourself. Following this period, we will again assess your performance and either confirm or reject you as a permanent
employees of our company.

I hope you will utilize this opportunity to showcase your capacity to deliver results and would like to take the opportunity to wish you all the very best in this endeavor.

Warm regards,
[Company name]

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