My HR Insights

Termination Email Template

Termination Email Template For HR Professional

Termination Email Template For HR Professional

An employee’s employment might be terminated for any of many different reasons, and this must be formally conveyed in writing via email. This is a sensitive situation and the email must be written with care. If possible, one should also consult the legal team before clicking that ‘send’ button.

Below is what should be mentioned in a termination email:

● The date from which the employee will cease to be a part of the organisation.
● The reason for termination.
● A request to submit all company properties to the respective departments, as per policy.
● The status of the individual’s salary and how it will be settled.
● Details of a contact person for any further queries.


Subject: Termination due to uninformed absence from work

Dear [employee name],

This to inform you that your employment with [company name] will cease after [date of termination].

This termination comes as a consequence of your decision to take leave from work without permission for a period of 15 days, and shall not be revoked.

You will receive your full and final settlement on your last working day.

You are requested to return your company laptop, ID card, and mobile phone to the HR department on your last day of employment.

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to get in touch with [employee name] at [email address].

Best regards,
[Company name]

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