My HR Insights

Training invitation email

Training Invitation Email

Training Invitation Email

When training is organized, the HR department can send an email to inform as well as invite whoever they consider appropriate. The email should contain practical details about the training along with some inspiration to attract the reader to attend.

Below are the important elements of such an email:
● Include essential information, such as date, time, location, training topic, etc.

● A compelling brief about the trainer helps to motivate employees to attend.
● List a few important things they are expected to learn so that they feel further attracted to the workshop.
● You may also include a colorful poster as either an attachment or embedded into the email, to provide an appealing visual aid.
● Give a ‘call to action’ statement, in order to keep the momentum you’ve been building up till the training day. It could be a simple ‘Contact us now’, ‘Click here’, ‘Book your seat’, etc.


Subject: Come and join us to learn all about [topic]!

Dear [employee name],

We would like to invite you for a workshop on [topic] that will be led by the widely reputed training
company, [company name]. This training is being conducted with the objective of improving our
employees’ leadership credentials.

The facilitator, [facilitator name], is a leadership consultant with [number] years of experience in the field of learning and development. [He/she] has worked with thousands of corporate organisations and has also authored three books on leadership.

This will be a [number]-day workshop in which you will receive precious insights into your personal strengths and develop a personal strategy aimed at consistently improving these skills. Additionally, you will receive material and content that will empower you to act and move towards accomplishing any of the goals you set for yourself!

Please block your calendar:

Date: [Date]
Time: [Time]
Venue: [Venue]

Do register now! We very much look forward to seeing you at the venue on [date].

Warm regards,
[Company name]

[jetpack_subscription_form show_only_email_and_button=”true” custom_background_button_color=”undefined” custom_text_button_color=”undefined” submit_button_text=”Subscribe” submit_button_classes=”wp-block-button__link has-background has-bright-red-background-color” show_subscribers_total=”false” ]

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